Thursday, April 21, 2011

Close call

As you can see from the date of my last post, I was not able to post immediately after the port procedure.  I went in for this procedure that was to take approx 45 min to an hour.  Things seemed to be going well, I was able to eat a few bites of a sandwhich, and thought that I would be  leaving for home around 2:OO pm.  I picked up a grape, and then looked at Bob, and said, I have to lay down, I feel sick.  And with that comment, I was out.  My heart when into an irregular pattern, respiration failure followed ,and a code was called in the hospital to get to radiaology. People don't usually code in the radiology dept.  I don't remember much, just a feeling of being here, but not able to communicate and see those around me.  I know my poor husband was subjected to all that was going on. He had to walk away at one point, He thougth I was gone. He remained cool, calm and collected, able to answer any questions the Dr.s were asking him.  After a blunt hit to  the center of my chest and shocking my heart into a normal rhythm, the Dr. in charge reversed the drugs with 6 shots of Narcan, and established a normal airway. I was transferred to the ICU to be obseverd throughout the night. I remained pretty much out of it for the remainder of the night. It has been established that I am extremely allergic to most narcotics, and some drugs used for anesthesia.  I think I will have the paramedics follow me to the first Chemo appoint, lol.  Don't want to take any chances!!!  So, as ususal, I never do anything the easy way, and I love to keep the nurse's on their toes. Thank you for the many prayers that went up that day.  I know the Lord was probably a bit tired of hearing about Marie Drinkhouse, He said, "Fine ya'll, you can keep her for a while.  Love ya,


  1. We are so glad to hear that you are doing better and posting again. We are praying that the Lord keep a close eye on you and to help you stay strong during this time. We love you and miss you.
    Jon, Melinda and Kayce.

  2. So sorry to hear about your troubles. I want you to know you are in my prayers.
