Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coach, and Breast Cancer Awareness!! Perfect combination

Amber and Joel went to California last weekend to take Ellie to Sea World and Disneyland.  On one of their many shopping outings, they saw this key chain.  Amber, being a lover of coach, just couldn't pass up this adorable key chain. A gift for finally being finished with radiation.  Thanks for thinking about me while you were away. It means alot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Done!

When I left Dr. Quiets office, the girls handed me this little box of chocolates. The back of the card read,  "Man cannot live on chocolate alone,but.... Woman sure can.   Thanks girls for treating me special and helping me through the process.

Loving Hubby

I went to Walmat this morning, and when I returned, this beautiful arrangement of flowers were on my kitchen island. Twelve pink roses with a cancer awarness ribbon, and a lovely hand written card.  It brought me to tears. Bob wanted to make this day special for me, it's my last day of radiation, and hopefully the beginning of a new chapter.  Survivor mode!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

When life hands you lemons,

another gift from Ash
With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, Ashley hopped on the band wagon and bought this sign for me.  I have it on the pantry door in the kitchen which I see at least 50 times a day.  I promise to never give up.  Thanks Ash

Thursday, September 15, 2011

TKO in the 5th Round

For all of you who have been diligently reading this blog from the beginning, you have learned by now that nothing goes as planned, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that radiation had to come to an abrupt halt this past week, my 5th week.  I started feeling very tired on Saturday, but we had a busy day planned with Abby.  We took her to a workshop for her upcoming audition for Annie.  I had promised her a trip to the library,(her 1st) if she promised to do well in school.  Being as tired as I was I couldn't let her down, so I found the strength to continue.  Then Sunday came and I actually started to feel really fatigued and a bit nauseated.  I wasn't about to stay home from church, when it's there that I draw my strength.  That evening, after church, we went to get a bite to eat, and I had a severe pain from behind my eye.  I have had them before, but not this bad.  When I saw the Dr. on Tues, I told her I felt like I had just received a chemo treatment, slightly dizzy, tired and in a fog.  She told me that I have to realize this is a serious treatment, and if I don't take time to rest properly, I could end up in bigger trouble.  My body is letting me know, enough is enough and it's time to stop.  Easier said than done, as most mom's can attest to.  So, I'll try to give into rest, it's easier with Abby in all day kindergarten, and the plan is to resume treatment next week. At least you can say I'm consistent, and never boring!